Well, not really theirs.....
This may seem a little far fetched to most people, but it is something I formulated in my head and I think it’s credible.
Ok, we all know about Nazi Germany and the treatment of the Jewish people before and during WW II. Well I knew from 8th grade History that the Nazi’s stole everything from the Jews they captured. What I learned later through research was they didn’t just take coats, houses and money, they also took GOLD. Well of course they did, you’re probably thinking, GOLD is wealth. Did you know they PULLED the gold fillings out of the Jewish people’s teeth often while they were standing in line to be gassed or put onto a train headed for a concentration camp?
Ok, here is the deal. History, no matter who wrote it, us, or the Germans, cites this to be the case. There was gold coins, jewelry, tooth fillings, etc etc. So the Nazi’s would take these things and KEEP RECORDS of their loot. The records are still in existence and are scattered between Israel and Germany. But the German’s won’t hand theirs over to the Jews because they don’t wanna have to compensate the descendants….another story.
I have seen little copied snippets of the records. They give the name of the Jewish person, the town, and what was taken, and that item was assigned a number.
So then all this gold was melted down into bars and the Nazi Swastika stamped on it along with a serial number. Then the far column on the record shows which bar what person’s gold went into. This gold was much akin to our gold in Fort Knox. It was the financial stronghold for the Nazi war machine.
So after the war, as in the history of the world and ALL wars, the victors go in to get the gold. The victors take the gold and melt it down and stamp their countries mark upon it. Except we never found it…just some of the records which we gave to Israel (after making copies) and that was it.
To this day that gold has never been found. Ok, this is all pretty much common knowledge in the Historical Societies of the World.
Now for my theory…..our government doesn’t dispute the fact the gold is out in the world somewhere. We aren’t looking for it because it’s; well it’s not our problem anymore.
Germany is saying they have no idea where it is. (Of course if they did have an idea, world pressure would demand they return all that wealth to the nation of Israel, and well folks, history says that AIN’T gonna happen.) So there is somewhat of a stand off.
So I was thinking about the Jewish History. And I realized that no matter how long they were exiled by God to the desert or a foreign country he ALWAYS restores them. He promises to do so. And in their history, no nation who has gone against them has escaped the wrath of God. Even when God used other nations to discipline Israel, eventually those nations were beaten down…and the very bad things they did against Israel turned out to be for THE BEST.
So here we have the Nazi’s who perpetrated the worst crime against the Jews yet. And while they were defeated, this gold is still out there. (The only unaccounted for war wealth EVER in the history of the world to be “lost”.)
I believe God is keeping this gold hidden. In World History after every major war, the winner comes in and takes some if not all of the loser’s gold. The winner melts it down and puts their countries signature on it. So Hitler was just doing what had always been done, though he was doing the last thing first…..but I digress…hehe.
I believe God is keeping that Gold hidden because in committing that atrocity against the Jews, God is gonna turn it around to end up being one of the best things to ever happen.
How? When it is found, (and it will be eventually), there will be no doubts about who it belongs too because of the swastikas and detailed records. Except by then the Jews won’t be able to break the wealth down into individual families because too much time will pass….has really already passed.
I think God will use that gold to rebuild his Temple. When you look at how much money will be needed to rebuild the Temple and the actual gold it will take….I think that money will go along way in rebuilding it. And every single person who died at the hand of the Nazi’s will have a hand in rebuilding the Temple. Every single persecuted Jew will be in essence vindicated on Earth by God by allowing them to be part of establishing his Temple.
Now that may seem far fetched to some, but when you study the history of the world you can not miss the fact that the Jews are the only race of people EVER to be without a country for so long (over and over) and still exist.
The most powerful countries in the world, once they fall, are absorbed almost completely time and time again. And in the case where the country physically ceases to exist, within a couple hundred years, that race goes with it absorbed into the larger cultures.
I just can’t write off as coincidence all these things that seem to point toward divine interference. Jewish history is fascinating by itself because time and time again it defies the logical course of the world.
Ok, that’s my theory. Guess only time will tell!!